Investing in our people

September 14th, 2021



Scarf is now at the Silver level of our Investors in People accreditation.

This recognises how we’re placing our people at the heart of our organisation.

Staff completed an Investors in People (IIP) survey in May, seeking their views on how they feel they are managed and supported. Some colleagues were also involved in one-to-one interviews.

The findings have now been collated and the report found that our people are feeling more valued and that significant improvements have also been made in respect of quality and how performance is managed.

IIP made particular note of our commitment to helping people in our communities and how our staff feel these contributions are meaningful and valued. All this positive feedback has resulted in Scarf moving to Silver level accreditation.

Mandy Duggan, HR Manager at Scarf, said: ‘It’s great to see our progress being recognised and the work that we do at Scarf to be a world-class employer is paying dividends.

‘Investors in People is a nationally-recognised programme and, as well as highlighting our achievements, the report offers areas where we can continue to improve.

‘I’d like to thank all staff for their feedback and rest assured the board and leadership team will be reviewing the report’s recommendations and working to ensure Scarf is an organisation which places people at its very heart.’