Heating your home efficiently is a big win as far as fuel saving goes, as more than half of a household’s spend goes towards providing heating and hot water.
You could save substantially through the effective use of heating controls, such as a programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs).
Using your heating system wisely can help you keep your home warm without wasting energy and money by overheating, heating at the wrong time, or heating spaces you don’t need to. All while cutting your carbon emissions.
Ideally, you’ll only heat what you need and when you need it. If you’re struggling to do so, give a local energy advisor a call on freephone 0808 129 0888.
We can offer you free advice about your heating system controls, and even show you how to adjust them with a free home visit.
The Energy Saving Trust has lots of great information about heating controls on their website, taking a deeper look into the types of controls and what they do.